Day 3- 15 Facts about me

15 totally random, stupid facts about myself –

  1. When I was a kid, I really wanted to be an astronaut and spend years in space.
  2. I want to travel and see the entire world.
  3. I am a very messy person, I cannot keep anything organised.
  4. I love to paint but I am quite terrible at drawing.
  5. I love quotes.
  6. The love of my life = Nutella
  7. I watch way too many TV shows.
  8. Since I started blogging (WordPress and Tumblr) I have become much more tolerant towards people who are “different” or don’t exactly “fit in” with the crowd.
  9. Writing and reading are my escape.
  10. I hate tomatoes.
  11. I use post-its excessively.
  12. I can be a very moody person.
  13. My book shelves are covered with pictures, poems, photographs, drawing and other things that inspire me.
  14. I love to talk. Once I am comfortable talking to you, I will probably never shut up!
  15. I love to read people’s blogs. I love to get to know people and their stories, their worst fears, their dreams.

5 thoughts on “Day 3- 15 Facts about me

  1. I used to hate tomatoes! They were one of my absolutely least favorite foods as a kid. Around 9 months ago, I decided to try them again and low and behold, turns out I love them now! Also, I think 15 is a given since I’m pretty active on WordPress. 🙂

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