Day 19 – Where I want to be in 10 years.

In ten years time, I will be 27. I really hope to have achieved some of my dreams by then!

In 10 years time I hope to be living in the city of my dreams New York City. I hope to have an amazing job that allows me to travel a lot. I hope that I am in an amazing relationship with the love of my life. I hope to have overcome some of my insecurities. In 10 years time I see myself having a kid. I see myself enjoying what I am doing. In 10 years time, I hope to no longer feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I hope to no longer want to not exist. In 10 years time I hope to have love in my life and I hope to have amazing friends. In 10 years time I hope to have discovered myself a little bit more and be a little more confident about myself. In 10 years time I hope to be closer to my dream of becoming a psychologist/bartender/artist/writer.

Yeah, that’s about it for me! Sorry this post is so cheesy.

Day 18 – My Worst Habits

I hate to admit these but here goes…

1. PROCRASTINATION. Yes, I am huge procrastinator. I will put of things till the last possible minute. Even if I have ample time to do it beforehand, I will stay up all night the day before the deadline finishing the assignment.

2. OVER-THINKING. I am so guilty of doing this one.  I will over think every damn thing, no matter how little or big it is. I will keep thinking about it and draw the worst possible conclusions from it.

3. Staying up till really late at night. I do this way to often and every night I tell myself that I wont do it from tomorrow but I do it anyways. Every night. And I regret it every morning.

And lastly;

4. Hoarding pictures on my phone. It’s so stupid of me but I refuse to delete old and useless pictures of my phone until all the storage space on it runs out and I cannot click any more pictures. I usually have a backup of all the pictures on my laptop but I still keep them on my phone.