My Bucket List!

  1. See the northern lights
  2. Trek to Machu Picchu
  3. See Juliet’s wall in Verona
  4. Go to Prague
  5. Visit New York City
  6. Volunteer in a village
  7. Go to Disneyland
  8. Take part in the Tomatina festival
  9. Camp out in a desert
  10. See the tunnel of love in Ukraine
  11. See the red beach in china
  12. See the Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland
  13. Visit Rio de Janeiro
  14. Visit the door to hell
  15. See the Glow worm caves in New Zealand
  16. See Saint Basil’s cathedral in Russia
  17. See the Glenfinnan viaduct in Scotland
  18. See the sea of stars on Vaadho islands, Maldives
  19. Make a wish in the Trevi fountain in Italy
  20. Bathe in a Hammam
  21. Get a tattoo
  22. Move to New York City.
  23. Backpack through Europe.
  24. Dye my hair different colors – Red, Pink, Blue, Green etc etc.
  25. Take a picture everyday for a year.
  26. Find Hogwarts!
  27. Attend a masquerade ball.
  28. Go to an airport, buy a ticket for a random flight, get on it and go!
  29. Visit the walk of fame.
  30. See a Broadway play.
  31. Own a Polaroid Camera.
  32. Go on a scavenger hunt.
  33. Go on a road trip.
  34. Donate hair to cancer patients.
  35. Try Sushi.
  36. See the great pyramids.
  37. Try food from allover the world.
  38. See the Roman Colosseum.
  39. Donate blood.
  40. Learn about Greek Mythology.
  41. Explore India.
  42. Walk perfectly in heels.
  43. Go to coachella.
  44. Visit the tunnel of love in Ukraine.
  45. Visit the Louvre.
  46. Go on a vacation with my friends.
  47. Take my mom on the vacation of her dreams
  48. See the Eifel Tower.
  49. Walk on the great wall of china
  50. Spend an entire day watching Disney movies
  51. Watch all harry potter movies in one day.
  52. Try every ice cream flavour in a shop.
  53. Eat macarons
  54. Send a letter to a random address and see if they write back.
  55. Leave a note in a library book.
  56. Bake a rainbow cake
  57. Attach a lock to a love bridge.
  58. Visit a walk through aquarium
  59. Visit Singapore
  60. Build a treehouse
  61. Write a book
  62. Paint roses red
  63. Visit Venice
  64. Visit Greece
  65. Visit Australia
  66. Visit France
  67. Set foot on all 7 continents
  68. Learn archery
  69. Climb the steps of the Mayan ruins
  70. Trek to Machu Picchu.
  71. Use a fake name at Starbucks.
  72. Find out how many balloons it takes to lift me off the ground.
  73. Have rainbow extensions
  74. Dance in a play
  75. Have a blog
  76. Get some Uggs
  77. Go on a treasure hunt
  78. Play laser tag
  79. Learn self defense
  80. Visit a castle
  81. Take a Zumba class.
  82. Eat a whole jar of Nutella
  83. Make my own flower head band.
  84. Go to prom
  85. Go to Monte Carlo
  86. Visit the amazon
  87. Go on a vacation by myself.
  88. Build a blanket fort.
  89. Run a 5k marathon
  90. Have a huge water balloon fight.
  91. Cliff jumping
  92. Have ombre hair
  93. See Stonehenge
  94. See all the famous artworks I can think off
  95. Visit Ireland
  96. Visit south Korea
  97. Spend time at an orphanage
  98. Try using an Ouija board.
  99. Try the whole Bloody Mary thing.
  100. Survive on my own.

[I’m hoping to do a few more over this summer, and so If I do then I will update this list! I would love to know what is on your bucket list so feel free to tell me in the comments.]

Dear Bestie #Day22

[Today’s letter is to my bestie as she is someone I want to give a second chance to…]

Dear Bestie,

How are you?

I just wanted to tell you that what you did sucked! Lying to me and keeping vital information from me, it wasn’t very nice considering you call me your best friend. And yeah our fight was very ugly and I said that I wasn’t sure whether I could talk to you again soon and that I needed some time but I am willing to give it a chance.

But everything considered, I have to tell you that I don’t fully trust you again yet and that will take time for me but i’m willing to try. I’m willing to put our fight aside for now and talk about things calmly.

Let me know what you think.

Take care.


Feeling low

This week has been as good as any other but for some reason I’m feeling really really low. Like I don’t know what’s wrong but something feels wrong. I have this nagging feeling that I am not good enough and I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t want to feel like this but I can’t help it. Ugh. I just need someone to be around for me right now. I feel like a pathetic needy mess.

“June Jour” Challenge – Day 15

The prompt set by The Finicky Cynic for today’s challenge is Imagine you stumble across a genie who would grant you three wishes. What would those wishes be, and why?

Well here is my answer…

1. Firstly I would want the money and the ability to travel to my heart’s content.

2. I would want to have love in my life.

3. I would want my family and friends to be happy.

Yeah, I know these are a little cheesy and cliche but they are what they are.

Dear Kaii #Day21

[Today’s letter is to someone I judged by their first impression. It is to my friend Kaii]

Dear Kaii,

How are you?

Well I have to tell you something. The first time I met you, I really din’t like you. I though you were really bossy and over bearing and had a bit too much attitude. But god, I was so wrong. Once I got to know you a little, I realized that you were actually a really nice person and that I judged you way to harshly and for that I am sorry.

I hope your vacations are going well. Take care.



I got nominated for 2 awards! Yay! Thank you so much for nominating me. I’ve already done both the awards before and you can see those posts here and here. because I’ve already done these awards before I won’t be nominating anyone again, Sorry.

The first award is The Real Neat Blog Award by Every Word You Say. I highly recommend you to check out their blog, if you haven’t done so already! You can read their post here.


Here’s the rules…

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the following questions.
  • Nominate  five other bloggers.
  1. What was the last book you read? I re-read My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult very recently and I am currently reading The Bastard of Istanbul.
  2. The last song you listened to? Nina by Ed Sheeran
  3. If you could be anyone else for a week, who would you be? Umm honestly I don’t think I want to be anyone but myself, even for a week!
  4. What’s your biggest wish? To travel the world.
  5. What’s your best piece of general advice? “This too shall pass.” Okay so this isn’t really original advice considering a friend recently gave it to me but it’s one of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard. I really believe that bad things happen but you also get over them and move on.
  6. What’s that thing you’ve been putting off for ages? I really really need to catch up on some studying but ugh, I don’t feel like it! It’s vacations.
  7. What is the piece of clothing you wear the most? It has to be my night-suit shorts. Because I’m too lazy to change and those shorts are so comfy!
  8. What’s one thing you can’t live without? My Phone I think. Because it has everything – my eBooks, my music and my contacts on it.
  9. Eyeshadow or Eye liner? Eye liner! I love eye liner. And I don’t really wear eye shadow much.
  10. Favourite way to spend a Saturday? My favourite way to spend a Saturday is probably just lazing around and relaxing. Catching up with my friends a little maybe or reading a book or doing some painting.

Thank you so much for this award. I really appreciate it. 🙂

The second award is the The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I was nominated for this one by Dee at coherent babbles. You can read her post here. Oh and Thank you so much for the nomination. 🙂

So now, the questions…

  1. Honestly speaking would you rather have money or happiness?
    I would definitely choose happiness.
  2. What’s your most embarrassing moment?
    I am the queen of embarrassing moments! But… I would rather not reveal most of them on here.
  3. Do you believe in a God/Gods?
    I don’t believe or believe in God. The thing is, I have never had a reason to believe or not believe and neither have I seen any proof or felt that he/she/it exists so I really don’t know.
  4. If you could own any piece of art what would it be?
    Starry night by Van Gogh. (Dee, I know this seems like a copied answer but it really truly is my answer too)
  5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
    Ten years later I will probably be 27 and I am hoping I would be done with college and be doing my own thing. Probably travelling the world.
  6. What would you have for your last meal?
    Pasta, chicken, and chocolate ice cream.
  7. How many piercings/tattoos do you have if any?
    My ears are pierced but that’s about it. I plan on getting quite a few tattoos though.
  8. If you could spend a day with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
    Umm, I would probably want to spend the day with my family and friends. Sorry I cant choose just one person.
  9. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
    ‘Just be who you are and stop trying to take care of everyone and everything and give yourself some time. Some time to heal.’
  10. Favorite song of all time?
    Honestly, My favorite song keeps changing but currently I think it is Stay with me or Bohemian Rhapsody.

Sorry my answers are so bad! But I had a lot of fun answering these questions. Thanks a ton for both the nominations!

Dear you who broke my heart #Day20

Dear you who broke my heart,

How are you? I hope you are fine.

Well I just wanted to tell you that you treated me like shit and that sucks. I thought I meant something to you but I guess I was just another random girl for you. But you know what, Thanks. Thanks for cheating on me. It made me realize that I deserved better. It was not fair of you to make me feel not good enough but now I know better.

It took me some time to get over you but I’m done now. I’ve moved on to better things. I deserve better than your shitty behavior.

Anyways, I hope you are having a nice life.


Travel Blog

So today evening I was kinda getting bored when I decided to read some travel blogs. I thought it would be fun, would pass my time and maybe inspire me to write a post about traveling. Instead I decided to start a travel blog. I had been toying with this idea for quite some time now and today I finally decided to go for it. But the problem is I haven’t really travelled much outside of India. So I decided to write about the places I have been to in India and also entertain guest posts about other places. I was thinking that the posts could be about anything related to travel, personal experiences and all. Right now I am not sure if I will be able to actually make something out of it but I’m going to try.

The one dream I’be always had is to travel and when I started this blog, I had initially thought of making it a travel blog but I was a little hesitant and decided against it but I really want to do this now.

I’ll be posting the link of that blog soon once it’s fully set up and I would love feedback on it. Also, if anyone has any suggestions/opinions, ideas or would want to talk about guest posting then just leave me a comment and I will get in touch. Also, if anyone knows some good travel blogs then please let   me know. Thanks.

I’m kinda excited about this. I really hope it works out.

Dear Lavie #Day19

[Today’s letter is to someone who pester’s my mind and so I am writing another one to my sister]

Dear Lavie,

How are you?

Okay so you know what, You annoy me sometimes. And yes, I get annoyed very easily and you know that. With your endless questions and annoying remarks, i gets to me at times and I end up screaming at you or fighting with you. But I have to tell you that I’m sorry for that I love you.

And I totally don’t mind you asking me endless questions. In fact I like it! So please don’t get offended when I’m busy and don’t answer properly. Give me time and I promise you I will. And you can never be too annoying for me even though I sometimes say you are!

Take care baby.


“June Jour” Challenge – Day 11

The Prompt given by The Finicky Cynic for today’s challenge is Imagine that you have a superpower. What would it be and why?

If I could choose a superpower it would most definitely be the ability to read minds. I keep obsessing about what people are thinking about everything and I sometimes go crazy overthinking about what other people must be thinking so the ability to read minds would be pretty convenient. But like I don’t want to hear the whole world’s thoughts continuously so I should have the ability to tune into whoever’s thoughts I want and leave out the rest. 

God, If I had this superpower life would be so much easier! Also If I knew who was thinking what then I would know who is trustworthy and who is not and all that. Yeah, reading minds is definitely the superpower I would have.