Dear you who broke my heart #Day20

Dear you who broke my heart,

How are you? I hope you are fine.

Well I just wanted to tell you that you treated me like shit and that sucks. I thought I meant something to you but I guess I was just another random girl for you. But you know what, Thanks. Thanks for cheating on me. It made me realize that I deserved better. It was not fair of you to make me feel not good enough but now I know better.

It took me some time to get over you but I’m done now. I’ve moved on to better things. I deserve better than your shitty behavior.

Anyways, I hope you are having a nice life.


Travel Blog

So today evening I was kinda getting bored when I decided to read some travel blogs. I thought it would be fun, would pass my time and maybe inspire me to write a post about traveling. Instead I decided to start a travel blog. I had been toying with this idea for quite some time now and today I finally decided to go for it. But the problem is I haven’t really travelled much outside of India. So I decided to write about the places I have been to in India and also entertain guest posts about other places. I was thinking that the posts could be about anything related to travel, personal experiences and all. Right now I am not sure if I will be able to actually make something out of it but I’m going to try.

The one dream I’be always had is to travel and when I started this blog, I had initially thought of making it a travel blog but I was a little hesitant and decided against it but I really want to do this now.

I’ll be posting the link of that blog soon once it’s fully set up and I would love feedback on it. Also, if anyone has any suggestions/opinions, ideas or would want to talk about guest posting then just leave me a comment and I will get in touch. Also, if anyone knows some good travel blogs then please let   me know. Thanks.

I’m kinda excited about this. I really hope it works out.