One Month!

About a month back, in the beginning of March, I made myself a promise to not cut. To not cut until at least prom cuz I didn’t want any fresh scars. I can’t do much about the old ones but I didn’t want any new ones. It’s been a month and prom is in three days and I’ve almost kept my promise.

I say almost cuz I cut once in between around the 16th. And I know so officially it isn’t really a month but I’m still going to take it as an achievement cuz going from cutting once in two days to once in a month is a huge deal for me! I’m a little proud of me but I keep feeling like I’m going to fuck it all up and cut again and if I do it again then idk how to stop again so I’m just hoping I don’t mess up and manage to stay okay. But for now, I’m happy so it’s okay.


For a really long time now, I’ve been thinking about telling my mom about the social anxiety stuff so that I can get actual professional help. Like I can’t tell her about the cutting and stuff cuz that would be too much for her to handle but if I told her about the social anxiety then I could get help for all of it.

So finally after a lot of convincing by my teacher, I agreed to talk to my mom. On a weekend, I asked her if she was busy and whether we could talk. She said she was busy at the moment and would talk to me later in the day but she never got back to me and I was too scared to ask again. So then the next day I told my teacher to talk to my mom so finally she called my mom up and told her that she thinks that I have social anxiety and recommended getting professional help for me. So my mom told my teacher that she would talk to me on the weekend and so after that I waited all weekend for her to talk to me but she didn’t. I talked to my friends about this and they just said that maybe my mom just needs a little time to process and understand things and she would talk to me the next weekend or sometime soon and so I waited but it didn’t happen. She never spoke to me about it at all. Someone recommended me getting professional help which obviously implies a degree of seriousness regarding the situation and my mother completely ignored it.

This was a while back, last weekend of January, and one of the things that I clearly remember is that I was talking to a friend of mine about my mom finally knowing and I was talking about how I might finally get help and things might actually be okay for me. Like I was really scared but I was kinda hopeful. I could get help, I could get better, maybe I won’t feel so shitty all the time. But she never talked to me at all and I don’t have it in me to talk to her and so I’m stuck here again.

I was really upset about this cuz I felt that it was her responsibility being the adult here to do something about it but then again, why was I expecting anything idek. But then I made myself stop thinking about things with her cuz the two following weekends after my teacher talked to her, she said really mean things to me and I was really hurt. So I forced myself to stop thinking about it and stop caring. I kept thinking that it’s a matter of a few more months till I’m 18 and then I’ll figure things out for myself. But then I don’t know why but for the past couple of days I’ve been feeling worse and I just feel so bad that she doesn’t care enough to actually talk to me about things. I was really hopeful about getting help cuz it’s getting too much for me to handle on my own sometimes. I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore.

I Can’t Do This

I don’t feel good. I don’t feel like talking to any on who makes me even slightly uncomfortable. Tbh, right now there are only like 4 or 5 people I can handle talking to but if I’m in school then so many people want to talk and I can handle that right now.

I had a panic attack at school again today morning. It’s like the 4th one I’ve
had this week and it’s only Thursday! And usually if I have a panic attack at school, Annie is always around to calm me down and all that but today she didn’t come to school because she herself wasn’t doing too well. So I started feeling really weird and like I couldn’t breathe and so my friend TB was around so she just helped me calm down a bit so that was good.

But I honestly feel so done with life. Like I can’t pinpoint what is wrong but at the same time nothing feels right. I’m just trying to be happy, pretending to be happy but I’m getting so tired of it. I’m so so tired.

I need a break from life. I don’t feel good. I feel horrible but I try to not let other people know that. I don’t want to upset anyone. I already feel like such a fucking burden on people. Honestly.

I really don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t. I’m hurting so much but I can’t even tell anyone about it. I can’t. I’m in so much Pain but I don’t know what to do. So I just laugh at jokes and smile a lot and pretend that everything is fine but I feel like I’m breaking inside.

The feeling of not being good enough for anyone or at anything sucks. I just want to feel good about myself for once. I want to be happy and thin and beautiful and smart like all the other girls. I want to be worth something to people. And people tell me that they actually want to be friends with me but my anxiety doesn’t let me believe that.

Lately I’ve not been wanting to go to school in the morning and not been wanting to come home in the afternoon. It’s weird because in the mornings I just want to stay at home and sleep all day and when I go to school I feel like shit all day but when it’s time to go home, I don’t feel like going home. Home doesn’t feel like home. It doesn’t feel comfortable. And I know it sounds overly dramatic but I can’t help it.

Most of the time I just want someone to be with me constantly. I want someone to want me around as much as I want them. And yes, I am dating someone currently but we both know that we are not that into each other and so I feel like it’s better to just end it. Like I really think we should break up to avoid any heartbreak later. Also, I feel like a huge burden on her, with all my issues and shit. I feel like I’ll damage her and so I don’t think I should be around her. So maybe tonight is the night we finally break up but I guess that’s okay. She’ll find someone who isn’t as damaged as me. Someone happier.

I see all these posts on tumblr and instagram which say things like there will be better days and life is worth living and stuff like that but I don’t know how much I believe them. Sometimes I feel like I’ve made a bit of progress but then I just end up back at square one. I’ve stopped eating again in school. I don’t know why.

The presentation I had to do the other day, I didn’t end up doing it. I had a panic attack that morning at school. A huge one. I cried and cried for like 45 minutes and I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I was shaking and I just felt so horrible. So the whole presentation has ended up being so triggering for me. I get scared just thinking about it.

My cutting has increased a lot too. And I’ve become increasingly paranoid about people seeing my scars.

I’m tired. I’m very tired and I just want to be rescued. I’m tired of trying to save myself. And I’m very tired of people leaving. The truth is that people always leave. They get tired of me. I’m not easy to be around. I’m not easy to love. I’m not made for love. And people get tired of your sadness. And so they leave. And I get it. I wouldn’t want to be around me either.

Triggers and Self Harm

Warning – I’m going to be talking about my triggers, my self harm issues, depression, weight issues, etc. here so if you decide to read this, proceed with caution. Oh and this is going to a long post.


So the night before last was one of the worst nights I’ve had in a while. But for me to explain that, I need to give some history. In grade 6 or 7 I went through a major bout of depression. So bad that I considered ending my life more than once but I couldn’t. I was too scared I guess. Everyone knew I was depressed, my family included but I never got it diagnosed by a psychologist or anything so I can’t really say that I had depression. But my grandmother who is a doctor said I was, and my mom knew all about it. I overheard her talking about it one day. But she never took me to the doc and she never spoke about it to me. I kind of realized that it was one of those things I could never talk about and so I kept it shut and did what I could. I don’t know what changed but slowly I started getting better. I never fully got “over it” but it improved and I din’t feel like dying everyday. At this point I had not started self harming yet.

So then around 9th grade things got bad again. I felt incredibly alone, I don’t have anyone to talk to and I felt as if no one could understand me. I felt like I was never going to be good enough for anyone and that no one could ever love me. My mom wasn’t around much but I can’t blame her. She had to earn a living after all and so again I told no one about it. Towards the end of grade 9, I started cutting. A lot. Almost everyday. I was skipping meals and it was bad. I try to block out most of it but god that time was horrible. I have always been a sad and dark and twisty person but that time was one of the worst times ever. This was the time when I almost killed myself. Again, of course, I couldn’t. Fear, I guess. Now don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t scared of dying, I was scared of what I would have to tell people when they asked why if I survived. How would I face everyone? So life went on and I got slightly better again.  I got through half of grade 10, before it got bad again. I din’t cut so much this time but I did a bit. The way I felt at that time, I can’t even explain it. Everything was so painful. I was having a hard time doing simple daily things and I so upset all the time but I couldn’t tell anyone. I was so ashamed and I felt like telling anyone would be a huge burden on them.

So before I joined this school, my cutting increased. Once, I cut so badly that I ended up in the hospital. Of course I said that I didn’t mean to cut so badly but I actually meant it. I wasn’t supposed to wake up the next day. But I did. And so life moved on. This was a bit of a wake up call for me and I suddenly stopped cutting or at least reduced it a lot. Then in September or October of last year, that is grade 11, I started feeling like that again. i din’t really have too many friends at school or anywhere and I had issues with my body and weight issues. I couldn’t even make friends because I can’t talk to anyone without thinking about it a million times in my head. It’s very difficult because my mind instantly starts analyzing everything and makes me feel bad about myself. so then I was cutting once in a while, every time something happened or things got bad. So from about this March, I starting have really bad weight issues and starting skipping meals. Not every meal but once in a while.

Now, I have written about my food issues before but lately it’s been getting pretty bad.So the night before last, things got very very bad. I cut myself a lot and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I just wanted to scream and I was about ready to explode. And I wanted to cut my wrists so so bad. I just wanted to numb out the pain. But I knew if I cut my wrist once, I wouldn’t be able to control myself, i was so angry. I knew I needed to calm down and talk about it to someone. First thing I did was that I drew a butterfly on my wrist (The Butterfly Project). Then I thought I’ll text my best friend (GS) but I knew she would be busy studying. Her exams are coming and she studies a lot, so I didn’t want to bother her. So I sat and went through my entire Whatsapp contact list 3 times before I clicked on Annie’s number. I sent her a long text saying that I needed to talk and I was sorry to bother her but I wanted her to draw a butterfly on her wrist because I couldn’t keep a promise to myself but I could keep one to her. In the past she had told me many times that I could talk to her if I ever needed her and she said that she would always be there so I told her all this. Then she replied asking whether I had cut and if I was okay and all that. And she asked how and why I was feeling like this and what was triggering it and all so I copy pasted this post called “I’m tired of being a mess” and sent it to her. So at this point we were talking on Whatsapp and after reading it she asked whether we could talk on Skype because we couldn’t exactly talk on the phone because she is in London right now. At first I was reluctant because I do not like to talk about things like this on video calls and I am too conscious but she said that we could just do a voice call and so I agreed. I had forgotten my Skype ID and password so I set up a new account and called her up. So she talked me me for over an hour at one in the night. She told me a bit about her as she had been through some similar stuff. She calmed me down quite a bit. I talked to her about my eating/food issues and anxiety and triggers and all. She was telling me how I need to understand what my triggers are and only then can I avoid them and she suggested therapy. I also talked to her about my mom and about a lot actually.

It helped so much to talk about it. And I hadn’t exactly eaten all day so she convinced me to eat and all. The feeling of being able to talk to someone who understands was so good. Of course, I din’t magically get better and not want to cut anymore but it did help a bit. So at about 3 in the night, I had some cereal and milk. And of course I felt awful after eating and I cut once but just once, so it was not so bad. Then I though about it a lot for the rest of the night and tried to understand my triggers and I think I figured them out a bit.

So first is obviously food related for me. Every time I eat something that I feel like I should not have or someone makes a comment about my eating habits or food then I feel absolutely horrible and I end up cutting.

My second trigger is my family. I hate saying this but at times they make such hurtful remarks without intending to, especially my mom, who is also never around. I often end up cutting when something happens with her.

And my third trigger is the feeling I get when I have no one to talk to. Yeah, this one is weird. It’s just that every time I don’t have anyone around, no one bothers to get in touch or no one cares, then I definitely end up cutting. I feel so worthless in those times.

It’s just that I feel like no one fucking cares if I live or die. No one bothers to check up one me. I could be dead and my friends would not know maybe till school reopened. It feels horrible. And yesterday, Annie texted me at night saying “I hope you’ve eaten today x” and it was the first time in a very very long time that anybody bothered to see if I was okay.

I had decided to not write about such things on my blog but I couldn’t help it. Sorry. I am so tired of covering everything up in real life and I am so tired of pretending to be okay. I really wish someone was here to just sit and hold me. I feel pathetic and needy but that is the way it is. I want to ask my mom to send me to therapy but I don’t know if I can. So here I am ranting away on my blog. I just want someone to be there. Is that too much to ask for?

Self harm & The Butterfly Project

Being someone who has self harmed in the past, I understand what it feels to just want to cut to feel something. I still have the urge to do it at times,but I’ve been trying to control myself because I know if I start again, I won’t be able to stop.

So recently, I came across something called the butterfly project. I don’t know if it will work, but I am giving it a shot. Here are the details –

1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker or pen and draw a butterfly wherever the self-harm occurs.
2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better.
3. NO scrubbing the butterfly off.
4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, it dies. If you don’t cut, it lives.
5. Another person may draw them on you. these butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them.
6. Even if you don’t cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support.

Some time consuming alternatives to divert your mind from self harm could be the following (I don’t know if any of them will help but I think they’re worth trying at least once, to figure out what works for you) –

1. Snap a rubber band around your wrist.
2. Exercise, running ect.
3. Putting on fake tattoos
4. Drawing on yourself in red marker (make sure it’s washable! )
5. Scribbling on sheets an sheets of paper
6. Writing (poetry, stories, journal, etc.)
7. Cuddling with a stuffed toy
8. Being with other people
9. Watching a favorite TV show
10. Painting your nails
11. Going to see a movie
12. Eating something ridiculously sweet (or any favorite food)
13. Doing school work
14. Surf the net
15. Go for a walk
16. Letting yourself cry (can be very difficult for some)
17. Reading a good book
18. Punching a punching bad (with gloves on)
19. Colouring your hair
20. Re-organizing your room
21. Make a tape of your favorite songs
22. Go to a loud concert
23. Go to a public place and people watch
24. Make a tape of your favorite songs
25. Singing

I know how it feels to want to hurt yourself physically to numb out the emotional/mental pain. I know how it feels to cut so you don’t feel so numb anymore. But please don’t cut lovelies. Your life is important and I love you. Please don’t hurt yourself. I know you feel like you’re good enough, like no one loves you, but please believe that things do get better.

I am the biggest hypocrite writing all of these things, but I am trying to not cut and I am trying not to feel like crap all the time. Things will get better, please don’t lose hope.