300 Followers!!! And Q&A!

Omg I have 300 hundred followers on this little blog of mine!! This is so exciting. I can’t believe that 300 individuals in the world actually want to read the crap I write and many of you bother to comment and share your thoughts and like my posts and for that I’m so grateful! So thank you so much for that.

So I’ve been seeing all these Questions and answers posts going around and they seem like a really fun thing to do. Do you guys think that I should do one of those? If you do, then leave me questions in the comments. Can be on any topic and as long as they’re appropriate, i’ll answer them! 🙂

Oh and you can ask me questions on my tumblr too – here.

Okay, so once again, thank you so much for the 300 followers, I appreciate every single one!

34 thoughts on “300 Followers!!! And Q&A!

  1. WOOP WOOP!! 😀 I am SO excited. Here’s some questions: what quality is most important in a friend? What’s a new skill you want to learn at some point? 😀 AAHHH STILL SO EXCITED

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wooo congratulations!! And for some questions:
    -Do you prefer the hot or cold weather?
    -(This isn’t really a question) Make up a company name with your initials (e.g. initals = abc || company = australian broadcasting corporation [lol this actually exists])

    Liked by 1 person

  3. YEAH you should do a Q&A, I’m doing it monthly at the moment and it’s really fun (my first one went up today!). Here are some questions for you:
    1) What do you do to make you feel happy?
    2) If you could, what’s one thing you would change about your life?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations, my dear! 300 followers is a huge milestone; I’ll ask you a couple of questions on Tumblr, so look out for them! Hope you continue to blog, share, and grow on WordPress. Take care. 😀

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