How to lose a friend: 4 easy steps

step 1- Make a stupid mistake such as not tell them before you change schools and just leave and don’t come back for the next session. And don’t even tell them yourself. Let them find out through rumors around the school.

step 2- Move to a school which has a different curriculum and so your friends will always think you’re different. Start getting bored by the gossip they tell you about your old school.

step 3- Get really busy with school and so your schedule always clashes with your friends’ schedule.

step 4- Leave the rest to them. They will slowly stop caring. i promise you.

I am so annoyed and upset about the fact that the people who used to be the closest to me at my old school don’t give a shit about me anymore. They are just always so busy and their lives are going in a direction so different from mine. I was always the different one but we still had common things to talk about including the happenings of the school. Since I’ve moved schools it’s almost like we have nothing to talk about. We run out of conversation in a matter of seconds. I used to be able to talk to these people for hours earlier. I knew this was bound to happen after I moved but i still expected us to remain friends. Sometimes it really hurts to know that my friendship meant nothing to them. From extensive conversations about the stupidest things and inside jokes our friendship has moved to just texting ‘hey. watsup?’ and getting the monotonous response of ‘nothing much’. I guess I just need to get used to this and accept the fact that people who you once considered friends are not going to be in your life forever.