2 Years!!!


So apparently my blog turned 2 two days back and I somehow missed the notification and just saw it today! I almost cannot believe this. Thank you to literally everyone who reads this blog, you all mean so much to me!

I’ve genuinely made friends through this blog, learned things I wouldn’t have otherwise, gotten to know so many different people and their stories and perspectives and so much more! I use this blog basically as my online diary. I rant and vent and write horrible poetry and I post all the happy moments and not so happy ones and everything I can think of and you guys read it all and for that I am so thankful!

A sneaky look at my stats page tells me that I’ve made 448 posts. I’ve had 10,771 views and I have 562 followers! That is a huge amount of everything for me and I honestly never thought that this blog would grow so big! Okay so thank you! Yeah I gotta chill now and I’mm going to eat cake even though its past midnight but I have to celebrate my blog’s birthday okay!? (greta excuse for having cake tho do you even need excuses for eating cake?)