Goa Diaries ~ Day 1

My trip to Goa began yesterday morning at 11 am. This trip is basically a trip with my friends and almost our entire grade hoes to celebrate the end of school. Its tradition. So I had a flight at 2 to Mumbai and from there I had a connecting flight to Goa which was delayed by an hour and a half! So not an amazing start but good anyway cuz I had Starbucks and a muffin on the airport!

I reached the place where I am staying at around 8 in the night. All my other friends had already reached and were playing Cards Against Humanity but I just decided to go get settled first. The view from where we are staying is quite nice!



Then we just chilled in our room and had some chips and some alcohol and basiclaly played truth and dare!

After that a few of us including me watched Pitch Perfect 2 while some of the others played poker. Pitch Perfect 2 was quite good I thought! A little predictable but still nice.

After this we just chilled in bed and talked till about 3 am and things got intense! We talked about like gender and sexuality and suicide and random crap also and it was so much fun! Then around 3 30 am all of us fell asleep. And I woke up this morning at 7 30 am. And today we are going to a beach so that should be exciting! And yeah let’s see. I’ll wrote about the day today either tonight or tomorrow morning!