Summer Plans!

So I said a while back that I was going to start blogging again. It took longer than I thought, but I’m finally actually back. With a list of my summer plans/goals –

  1. Meet ALL my old friends!
  2. Go to Estonia and Finland. (If you have any suggestions/tips, please share!)
  3. READ at least 5 books. (Recommendations?)
  4. Make at least 5 portraits.
  5. Go to Mumbai?
  6. Write and blog.
  7. Relax and plan for next semester.

Now I know that doesn’t seem like much but I really want to take it easy this summer and write a lot and stuff.

9 thoughts on “Summer Plans!

  1. I honestly donโ€™t know why, but Finland is one of those countries that Iโ€™d just love love love to visit some day! I mean, besides it being ranked one of โ€” if not the no. 1 โ€” happiest country on Earth, Finland just seems so chill and cute. Iโ€™m doing exams at the moment: theyโ€™re standardised exams that all 16-year-olds take in England and wales, and are the first kind-of-important exams in British education. Afterwards, I canโ€™t wait to have time to write more, and to read too. Iโ€™ve almost exclusively read nothing but school-related stuff (books, articles, information etc) for the last 12-18 months, and my TBR list is getting to a point where I JUST NEED TO READ!! Haha XX

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  2. Ah, so happy you’ll be visiting Europe! Great countries to start off with, especially if you like nature and peaceful atmospheres. Looking forward to more blog posts from you, perhaps about your travels! Have fun, and have a good summer. ๐Ÿ™‚

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